Metaprogramming in SQL (Part 1)

Metaprogramming can feel like magic. You call a function that you neither wrote nor imported from any library and, magically, it comes back with a result. Even more magical is how metaprogramming lets you do […]

Why you should program to interfaces in SQL

With DB2 9.7’s introduction of modules and the ability to create an alias on a module, you now have the ability to program to a function or procedure’s interface rather than its implementation. Why would […]

New in DB2 for LUW 9.7.2: UDF default parameters

IBM released DB2 for LUW 9.7.2 recently and, along with numerous quality improvements, there were a number of interesting new features. In today’s post, I will talk about the “default parameters in UDFs” feature and […]

DB2 Stored Procedures and Defaults (Conclusion)

If you remember the previous post, I showed how moving some logic from an anonymous block into a scalar function caused the program to start reporting an SQL0577N, saying that the underlying procedure was trying […]