db2top -P

By default, db2top shows data aggregated from all partitions. In this post, I’ll show you how to use the -P option to override this behavior so that you can look at one partition at a time.

The -P option tells db2top to show data from only one partition. It takes a single argument: the partition number whose data is to be shown. If no argument is specified, data from the “current” partition is shown. The “current” partition is the partition that db2top connects to. It is determined by the DB2NODE environment variable.

The second line of the heading on the top left of the screen indicates the partition setting with a “p=”, as shown below for the default value of all partitions:

db2top heading when partition set to ALL

When -P is specified with no argument, the “p=” reports that only the current partition’s data is being shown:

db2top heading when partition set to CUR

When -P is specified with an argument, the “p=” reports the partition number whose data is being shown:

db2top heading when partition set to 1

If -P is specified with an invalid partition number as its argument, the following error message is printed:

SQL1610N  The Database System Monitor input parameter "data->iNodeNumber" is